We offer design and installation of a variety of geothermal systems to help you lower your heating, cooling and hot water bills by up to 80%. Our systems can help you with many residential and commercial heating and cooling needs

Geothermal heat pump systems consist of basically three parts: the ground heat exchanger, the heat pump unit, and the air/water delivery system (ductwork/pipeline). The heat exchanger is basically a system of pipes called a loop, which is buried in the shallow ground near the building. A fluid (usually water or a mixture of water and antifreeze) circulates through the pipes to absorb or relinquish heat within the ground.

In the winter, the heat pump removes heat from the heat exchanger and pumps it into the indoor air delivery system. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump moves heat from the indoor air into the heat exchanger. The heat removed from the indoor air during the summer can also be used to heat water, providing a free source of hot water. Geothermal heat pumps use much less energy than conventional heating systems, since they draw heat from the ground.