Reduction of energy bills are a crucial component in ensuring competitiveness of any business. Energy audits play a crucial role in managing and cutting the energy bills. Energy audits can encompass a variety of surveying techniques.

Most commonly it consists of analysis of energy consumption of a building or facility. Energy audits can be carried out in various levels of details. Audits include comprehensive lists of energy efficiency measures derived from building and facility performance. Energy audits also include financial analysis for each identified measure.

Our company possesses required instruments and capabilities for measuring and analyzing building/industry energy systems and building envelope. Energy audits often focus on key aspects of the overall system, mainly:

  • HVAC
  • Building envelope
  • Lighting
  • Plug load

Having our professional energy audit reports, decision makers from the client’s side can have clear picture on the energy consumption patterns per each technology, identify inefficiencies of the business which have the highest potential of energy saving and get the list of energy saving measures with corresponding cost estimates and economical parameters.